Shouldn't a decent OS scrub RAM and disk sectors before allocating them to 
processes, unless that process enters processor privileged mode and sets a call 
flag? I recall digging through disk sectors on RSTS/E to look for passwords and 
other interesting stuff over 30 years ago.

matthew black
california state university, long beach

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Bush [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 7:31 AM
To: Bengt Larsson
Subject: Re: [[Infowarrior] - NSA Said to Have Used Heartbleed Bug for Years]

> It's quite plausible that they watch the changes in open-source 
> projects to find bugs. They could do nice diffs and everything.

the point of open source is that the community is supposed to be doing this.  
we failed.


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