On 04/08/2014 10:16 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
Lots of tools available. I'm with ferg, surprised more haven't been mentioned
Tools to check for the bug:
• on your own box:
• online: http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/ (use carefully as they might
log what you check)
• online: http://possible.lv/tools/hb/
• offline: https://github.com/tdussa/heartbleed-masstest <--- Tobias
Dussa, also Takes a CSV file with host names for input and ports as parameter
• offline: http://s3.jspenguin.org/ssltest.py
• offline: https://github.com/titanous/heartbleeder
List of vulnerable Linux distributions: <http://www.circl.lu/pub/tr-21/>.
Anyone have any more?
Thanks for the expanded list, I had some of these already. I'm not
comfortable in letting some online code that I can't see test my site