On 14-04-03 12:44 PM, Laurent CARON wrote:
> I bought a C3750G-12S which is now end of sale on cisco website. This
> device is now defective.
> Since I bought it from a reseller and not directly from cisco, cisco
> is refusing to take it under warranty and tells me to have the
> reseller take care of it.
> The reseller doesnt wan't to hear about this device since it is end of
> sale.
Did you purchase SMARTnet when you bought the device? If you didn't,
you're probably SOL.
> According to cisco website, end of sale means the device is still
> covered for 5 years.
This is not base warranty - this is potential coverage. Base warranty is
90 days: http://www.cisco.com/go/warranty
> My question is: Is it normal for my supplier to refuse to take it
> under warranty?
See above.
> Is there (from your experience) a chance I might get cisco to deal
> with it ?
Not likely.

Specific information for this product's EOL is here:

You'll need to have a service contract associated with the device

Unfortunately for you, from that page:

End of New Service Attachment Date: January 30, 2014
"For equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-support
contract, this is the last date to order a new service-and-support
contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing
service-and-support contract."

So if you don't already have SMARTnet, you're probably out of luck.


Michael Brown            | The true sysadmin does not adjust his behaviour
Systems Administrator    | to fit the machine.  He adjusts the machine
mich...@supermathie.net  | until it behaves properly.  With a hammer,
                         | if necessary.  - Brian

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