Yeah.. If you have an extra 10k per radio. Free Space Optics are
everything but free. Lol

And attenuation at 80ghz is going to be heavy.. When I say heavy.. I
mean.. A fart will cause a fade if you’re close enough to the tx. ;)

I would not recommend FSO for anyone with less than an ultra black belt in
RF. They are such a bxtch to get lined up and running, you could be
hanging out on site for a week trying to figure out why your path isn’t
aligned. It is not for the feint hearted.

Sharks with laser beams on their friggin’ head, probably.

On 3/26/14, 9:02 PM, "Miles Fidelman" <> wrote:

>Laser link, and pray for clear weather?
>Warren Bailey wrote:
>> 20-60mbps is a tall order.
>> I¹d say cellular.. Maybe you can pair together a couple of 4g cradle
>> points and do load balancing on them?
>> You are screwed for LOS microwave, 60mbps on a microwave hope requires
>> real life engineering to function correctly. Frequency coordination,
>> towers, AGL requirements. If you¹re looking for satellite, I can tell
>> for certain that a 60mbps circuit for a month would exceed 140k a month
>> your neck of the woods. That¹s just to start off, it can get higher as
>> link budget dictates.
>> Is there any reason you need THAT much? Have you thought about using
>> compression stuff at all? Are these people paying for it?
>> On 3/26/14, 8:30 PM, "Nick" <> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I have a weird off the wall question for a NA group.
>>> Does any have contacts in Edinburgh Scotland who can provide WISP
>>> service at the Hopetoun House and Dundas Castle. I would like to have
>>> 20-60mpbs to for 2 days of services.
>>> Our company's event planner claims there are no good ISP options in the
>>> area and wants us to go with satellite internet which is pricy and has
>>> high latency. Its worth noting both locations have ~7mpbs DLS.
>>> I'm also open to other options.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nick Poulakos
>In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
>In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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