In message <alpine.bsf.2.00.1403252016070.6...@joyce.lan>, "John R. Levine" 
> > Or he could just not like NSL and the fact the ISP's are required
> > to abide by them.  If people want their email going through where
> > it can be snooped apon that is their perogative.  Just don't force
> > people to have to use I-WILL-SNOOP-ISP!!!
> Who said anything about being required to use your ISP's mail server?  I 
> don't think I have, ever.  You need to use one with a static IP and 
> reasonable rDNS, which could be anywhere.

There you go forcing people to jump through unnecessary hoops to
send email.

No you do not need a static address to send email.
No you do not need a PTR record to send email.

None of this is REQUIRED.  It is forced on people by a cartel of
email providers.

> Also, if the snoops are interested enough in you to drop an NSL on your 
> ISP, you have worse problems than running your own mail server will solve.
> Regards,
> John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for 
> Dummies",
> Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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