Hi Anil, Have you setup MBF? I've seen that as an issue before. If you don't have a default route set, than MBF might help you send the response out the interface on which it was received.
Paul > On Mar 24, 2014, at 11:46 PM, Anil KARADAG <akara...@netas.com.tr> wrote: > > Hi, > > I setup a netscaler load balancer for sip traffic on Amazon EC2. Clients > packets are arrived to the backend servers over to the load balancer but any > responses cannot be arrived to clients. I see the responses on the load > balancer. > > I think there is a config problem for that but I don't know and did not find > any solution for that. How can I fix the outbound traffic issue. > > thanks > Bu e-posta mesaj? ve ekleri g?nderildi?i ki?i ya da kuruma ?zeldir ve > gizlidir. Ayr?ca hukuken de gizli olabilir. Hi?bir ?ekilde ???nc? ki?ilere > a??klanamaz ve yay?nlanamaz. E?er mesaj?n g?nderildi?i al?c? de?ilseniz bu > elektronik postan?n i?eri?ini a??klaman?z, kopyalaman?z, y?nlendirmeniz ve > kullanman?z kesinlikle yasakt?r ve bu elektronik postay? ve eklerini derhal > silmeniz gerekmektedir. NETA? TELEKOM?N?KASYON A.?. bu mesaj?n i?erdi?i > bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda herhangi bir garanti > vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bu bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, > iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan ve kullan?lmas?ndan sorumlu > de?ildir. Bu mesajdaki g?r??ler g?nderen ki?iye ait olup, NETA? > TELEKOM?N?KASYON A.?.'nin g?r??lerini yans?tmayabilir. > ------------------------------------------------------- > This e-mail and its attachments are private and confidential and intended for > the exclusive use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It may > also be legally confidential. Any disclosure, distribution or other > dissemination of this message to any third party is strictly prohibited. If > you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any > dissemination, forwarding, copying or use of any of the information is > strictly prohibited, and the e-mail should immediately be deleted. NETA? > TELEKOM?N?KASYON A.?. makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of > any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability > of any kind for the information contained therein or for the transmission, > reception, storage or use of such information in any way whatsoever. The > opinions expressed in this message are those of the sender and may not > necessarily reflect the opinions of NETA? TELEKOM?N?KASYON A.?.