>> We don't know because the service provider rolls that cost up along 
>> with th= e services they sell.  That is my point.  They are able to 
> >spread the costs=  out based on the profitable services they sell.


>> If they were not able to =
> >sell us services I am not sure they could afford to provide that 
> >infrastruc= ture.

>That's a crock.  You can always provide infrastructure without selling 
>services on top of it.  It's wire.  Or fiber.  Or whatever.  If you're not 
>able to subsidize the >infrastructure with services, then what you actually 
>get is a less distorted reality where you can actually identify the component 
>costs (circuit, services, etc).

Sure you could do that.  I'm not denying that you could.  I am saying good luck 
making money on that or getting that business model funded.

>> In fact, having been a service provider I can tell you that I paid t= 
>> he LEC about $4 a month for a copper pair to your house to sell DSL 
> >service=  at around ten times that cost.  I am sure the LEC was not 
> >making money at = the $4 a month and I know I could not fund a build out for 
> >that price.

>Why would you try to fund a build out on that?

How are you going to get more than that?  I am saying you CAN'T fund a build 
out that way.  That's why a pure infrastructure model is not economically 
viable unless you have exclusivity that forces people to use it.

>Why wouldn't you instead charge for the build out as a NRC and then charge for 
>maintenance as a MRC?

Because your customer will not pay a NRC for a residential build-out.  I know 
from experience that it is hard to get even business customers to eat a 
reasonable construction cost of a couple thousand dollars.  Try that model 
against an incumbent cable company and see how that works.  Will they be 
willing to pay thousands to be on your fiber network not knowing what the 
service is like until they commit or will they be more likely to go with the 
incumbent cable company with a simple monthly charge.  

In a low density area you can never fund a build out which is where universal 
access charges came from and the reason that rural LECs are exempt from 
competition.  In return for building a network that is not profitable easily 
they get exclusive access to sell services on it to give them a chance.  Will 
your NRC be reasonable anywhere outside a major metro area?

>What you're suggesting reeks of the deliberate cost distortion games that go 
>on so often.  My personal favorite is cell phone contracts where the cost of 
>the >phone is *cough* "subsidized" by the carrier.  But what's really 
>happening is that the customer is paying for the phone over the term of the 
>contract, and if >the customer doesn't get a different phone at the end of the 
>contract, then the carrier ...  lowers their monthly rate accordingly?  No, of 
>course not...  they >
>keep it as profit.

The carriers do subsidize the cost of phones and often they are free.  You can 
also get your phone upgraded on a schedule that is usually a couple years at 
most, you just have to ask.    This is a legacy model to get customers past the 
entry point of phones that might have cost up to $1,000.  Just look at the cost 
of a cell phone without any service attached to it.  It is much greater than 
what you pay when you buy a phone with service.  It is the customer spreading 
the costs out over the life of a contract because more people care more about 
monthly costs than overall cost.  Do you think people want to fund 
communications infrastructure to a home they might move out of in a year or 
two?  By the way, how do you continue to collect the NRC if I do move?   I can 
sell my home tomorrow,  Do I still have to pay for your fiber build?  Can you 
mandate that the grandma that moves in has to pay for it now even if she does 
need high speed services?

It's not a cost distortion game.  What is going on is that the LECs originally 
built their network out with the model of a captive customer that they could 
recover costs from for the life of the infrastructure so a 20 - 30 year payout 
was reasonable.  Unfortunately for the competitive communications provider, the 
capital markets will not fund a model like that and the customer is not captive 
anymore.  Would you bet that any of your customers will be with you 20 -30 
years from now?  Just about every transport level provider of fiber networks 
got in serious financial trouble.  Look at MFS, Global Crossing, Williams, etc. 
 The more successful model is like Level 3 who sold service on top of an 
infrastructure (much of which was bought out from under failed transport only 
providers).  It was hard to make money on the city to city and country to 
country fiber network.  The fiber to the home will be completely unprofitable 
without exclusive access or the ability to sell multiple services on it.

The economic reality is that if I build out an expensive infrastructure I have 
to pile on as many high priced services as possible to order to maximize the 
revenue from it.  A customer who does not balk at a $200 a  month 
TV/voice/Internet service is not going to be happy getting a bill of $50 a 
month for a fiber loop.  The services are what the customer really wants and 
where you can add bells and whistle with little added expense.  The 
infrastructure is the expensive part.

BTW, if you think that NRC infrastructure charge would ever go away, you are 
kidding yourself.  Here in Illinois, we have been paying for the construction 
of our tollway in perpetuity.  When it was originally built the state promised 
to remove the tolls as soon as construction costs were recovered.  We are still 
waiting and will be forever.

If you want, you can criticize the model of the free economic that use profit 
to determine viability but unfortunately someone pays the bill in the end.  
Whether it is government funded, a grant, or a commercial enterprise, expenses 
get recovered.  The only difference is that in a free market the customer gets 
to choose what they pay for.  In any other model, everyone pays whether they 
like it or not.  I think our communications model had to develop as a managed 
monopoly otherwise it would not have been the universal solution that it is 
today.  Now we have to deal with the downside of the monopoly as well.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

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