On Mar 19, 2014, at 15:00, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote: > > L3 escalates on Peering/CDN/Neutrality. > > http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/03/level-3-blames-internet-slowdowns-on-isps-refusal-to-upgrade-networks/
The devil on my left shoulder wants to laugh at L3 for their hypocrisy. The angle on my right shoulder wants to congratulate a "tier one" (whatever the F that means) provider for finally admitting, in writing, in public, from a lawyer, what the rest of us have known for decades. In the middle is me being afraid of the gov't actually regulating something that _is_ a problem, but because they are the gov't, doing it in a way that will cause more issues than it solves. :-( -- TTFN, patrick