[Whee. This discussion is good for me, as I need to refresh my memory on the relevant code sections for some new data center clients.....thanks, Bill, you're a great help!]

On 03/19/2014 12:24 PM, William Herrin wrote:
Yet an 18 awg PC power cable is perfectly safe when plugged in to a 5-20R on a circuit with a 20 amp breaker. Get real man.
The NFPA thinks so. They also allow interoperability between a 20A T-slot receptacle and a 15A plug (so that a 2-15P can work in a T-slot 2-20R, or a 5-15P can work in a 5-20R, etc). Things are different above 20A, at least in the NFPA's view. NFPA 75 is interesting reading, especially in those sections where its committee and the NFPA 70 committee seem to see things differently.

However, my SOP is to use no smaller than 16AWG for a 5-15P or 6-15P (with a 14AWG preference), and no smaller than 12AWG for 20A use, etc, unless protected by suitable overcurrent devices (for 18AWG, that's 7A, and for 16AWG that's 10A, so a power strip with a 10A breaker or a PDU with a individual 10A breakers is fine for use with 16AWG power cords). I do have an EE background and degree, and so I do tend to be very conservative in those things. I have seen the results of pinched 18AWG zipcord in a 5-15R, and it's not pretty.

The 22AWG Christmas lights get away with it by having overcurrent protection in the plugs.

You got two things right: The NEC (and related fire codes) don't apply to supply cords of appliances in circumstances such as OP's PDU. The modification cancels the UL certification. If you have an external requirement to use only UL certified components then you can't make any modifications no matter how obviously safe they are.By the way, you either don't have that requirement or you're breaking it. Your custom network cables are not UL certified.
Here's the bottom line, at least in my data centers: if it could be considered questionable by the insurers (that's where UL got its start) then it's not likely to happen. Modifying a piece of utilization equipment with a UL QPQY listing is likely to be considered questionable.

Now, network cable installation is covered by the NEC in article 800, which got some revisions in 2011, and the class 2 and class 3 cables used are also covered, in articles 725 (fiber is covered by article 770, and ITE rooms by article 645). The major theme there is reduction in spread of products of combustion, and the UL DUZX listing reflects that purpose. Yes, listed cables are required by code when part of the premises wiring, but putting a listed connector on listed cable is within the listing.

Further, 802.3af and even 802.3at are considered Class 2 power limited sources under article 725 of the NEC (that is, there's not enough available power to initiate combustion).

So, sure, I can still use custom network cabling and stay within using only listed items.

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