Another use of 'hacking' has been around in software for awhile ...

Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Who is Just another Perl hacker?
From: (Randal L. Schwartz)
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Juho" == Juho Cederstrom writes:

Juho> But when do I become Just another Perl hacker? Who are they? I've 
Juho> the FAQ, but it doesn't answer my question. If I replace my email
Juho> signature with JAPH, do I break some kind of law?
Juho> Or is Just another Perl Hacker a person who just hacks Perl?

Well, this ol' JAPH thing started back in 88-ish when I was posting to
a bunch of different newsgroups, and would sign each message somewhat
individualized above the "-- " cut.  For a while, it was stuff like: wrote on 03/13/2014 02:09:34 PM:

> To the contrary - there was a period of time when "hacker" included 
those who
> were responsible for creative hacks that followed the rules *as they 
> were*, not as they were generally believed to be.

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