>> I'm an ISP in Germany and a cracker (not a hacker :) ) has targeted a
>> customers of mine in the last days. The cracker was successful and caused
>> financial damage / was successful with data theft. I set a trap and finally
>> caught his real IP address - a Comcast user in the US (100% not a proxy or
>> bot). What would be the next steps to pursuit him? If I contact local
>> authorities here in Germany I'm afraid months will pass by and Comcast will
>> have possible already deleted their logs by then (?). Any advice?

Marcus, if you have not already connected with them, ping me offlist and I will 
try to connect you with our FBI cybercrime contact.  A preservation letter from 
them to Comcast, to start, will likely be far more effective than one from you.

I'm sorry for not responding sooner;  I only just saw this as I'm on digest 


Anne P. Mitchell, 
Attorney at Law
Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Member, Cal. Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Author: Section 6 of the Federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

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