Oh hell.

Is this the *same* bug that just broke in Apple code last week?

-- jra

----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "PRIVACY Forum mailing list" <priv...@vortex.com>
> To: privacy-l...@vortex.com
> Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:17:43 PM
> Subject: [ PRIVACY Forum ] Critical crypto bug leaves Linux, hundreds of apps 
> open to eavesdropping
> Critical crypto bug leaves Linux, hundreds of apps open to
> eavesdropping
> http://j.mp/1jPcVOr (Ars Technica)
> "Hundreds of open source packages, including the Red Hat, Ubuntu, and
> Debian distributions of Linux, are susceptible to attacks that
> circumvent the most widely used technology to prevent eavesdropping on
> the Internet, thanks to an extremely critical vulnerability in a
> widely used cryptographic code library. The bug in the GnuTLS library
> makes it trivial for attackers to bypass secure sockets layer (SSL)
> and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protections available on websites
> that depend on the open source package. Initial estimates included in
> Internet discussions such as this one indicate that more than 200
> different operating systems or applications rely on GnuTLS to
> implement crucial SSL and TLS operations, but it wouldn't be
> surprising if the actual number is much higher. Web applications,
> e-mail programs, and other code that use the library are vulnerable to
> exploits that allow attackers monitoring connections to silently
> decode encrypted traffic passing between end users and servers. The
> bug is the result of commands in a section of the GnuTLS code that
> verify the authenticity of TLS certificates, which are often known
> simply as X509 certificates."
> - - -
> --Lauren--
> Lauren Weinstein (lau...@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren
> Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility:
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> - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
> Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
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