Have them look at radware linkproof which is designed for small shops that don't want to do bgp and getting their own ASN and pi address space. Been around since 1999.
http://www.radware.com/Products/LinkProof/ Hank On Mar 4, 2014 3:11 AM, Eric A Louie <elo...@yahoo.com> wrote: > > This may sound like dumb question, but... I'm used to asking those. > > Here's the scenario > > Another ISP, say AT&T, is the primary ISP for a customer. > > Customer has publicly accessible servers in their office, using the AT&T > address space. > > I am the customer's secondary ISP. > > Now, if AT&T link fails, I can provide the customer outbound Internet access > fairly easily. So they can surf and get to the Internet. > > What about the publicly accessible servers that have AT&T addresses, though? > > One thought I had was having them use Dynamic DNS service. > > Are there any other solutions, short of using BGP multihoming and having them > try to get their own ASN and IPv4 /24 block? > > It looks like a few router manufacturers have devices that might work, but it > looks like a short DNS TTL (or Dynamic DNS) needs to be set so when the > primary ISP fails, the secondary ISP address is advertised.