
>> sgrep can dump out a "stanza" of ios-like config, then you can rcsdiff
>> that to your master, per 'chunk' of config.
>> Dale
> I'm digging the idea of your command.   Along the same lines I've got this
> awk snippet that I made and then forgot about.  It functions like the cisco
> pipe begin/end commands:

The clever part comes when you write something to tweak sgrep to spit out files 
with the commands you need to run to reconfigure multiple devices, and then use 
the "make" command to invoke clogin in parallel to push those changes.  Showing 
a complete example would get tedious, I have a tarball of the minimum fileset 
needed to do this lying around somewhere.  Dale probably has one as well.

The basic workflow is as follows:

1) Given a set of configuration files named device.conf, generate a set of 
configuration changes to be made, and place those changes in a set of files 
named device.cmd.  Device is the valid hostname of a router/switch you need to 
configure.  Device.conf is the configuration file for that device, for example 
from rancid.  The contents of device.cmd are valid config commands including 
"config term", "exit" and "write mem", that you intend to run on the device.  
We will talk about what to do with those command files in a later step.

So if you wanted to edit the name of vlan100 on all of your routers, you might 
do this:
  for device in `ls r-*.conf | cut -d. -f1`;
      do sgrep -is "^vlan 10\n" $device.conf | sed -e 's/name .*/name 
new-name/' | grep -v Found > $device.cmd;

r-myrouter-100.cmd might contain:
vlan 10
 name new-name

So you would need to make your loop more complex to add the "conf t", "exit" 
and "wr mem" parts, or just use a script.  I write a script called mkcmdfile to 
wrap sgrep every time I need to do work like this.  mkcmdfile means "make 
command file".  If you want to work from the command line, add a second sed 
rule to look for "Found" and replace it with "conf t", eliminate the trailing 
grep -v "Found" and edit the original sed to replace vlan new-name with vlan 
new-name\nexit\nwr mem/.  I don't recommend doing that, but you could.  I put 
that into a wrapper script, or I post process the cmd files with a second for 

Now that is the less hard way to change 4,000 devices.  Except for made up 
examples like renaming a vlan on 4,000 devices, that is only a little less 
complicated than just doing it by hand, but hopefully you get the idea.

One huge win though, even when doing it by hand as above, I can generate the 
files ahead of time, ensure they are correct, and then when I push them at 4AM 
I do not have to worry about typographic errors.  If you have change approval 
boards, the CAB can examine the .cmd files if they choose to, this is a great 
way to sanity check your work at 2PM when your mind is clear.

  Loops are cool, but in reality, I am far more likely to edit sgrep with some 
reasonable defaults, hand it a list of filenames, and then rely on $ARGV 
changing to reflect the name of the file it is currently working on, so I know 
that when I have a diamond loop (for (<>) { do stuff }) in my Perl, $ARGV.conf 
is what sgrep is reading from, and $ARGV.cmd is the file sgrep should be 
writing to.  In fact, I have something I call mkcmdfile that does pretty much 

Writing a custom sgrep for each change allows me to consider the entire 
contents of the router, including its name, the business rules associated with 
it, anything I keep in a database, etc, when making configuration changes to it.

Don't worry too much about how to do step 1.  The lesson you must understand, 
is that step 1 is finished when you have a directory full of files, all named 
device.cmd, where device is the name of the device to work on, and the contents 
are the commands to execute.

2) Given a directory full of command files (named device.cmd) invoke clogin on 
each file:
   The hard way would be another for loop:
   for device in `ls *.cmd | cut -d. -f1`; 
       do clogin -s $device.cmd $device > $device.log;

   I go into how to do this easily using make later.

3) Look at the resulting $device.log files you generated, and make sure nothing 
crazy happened.  

  It really is that simple.  I can create cmd files for 4,000 devices, ensure 
the cmd files are changing the correct interface properties, ntp server names 
or whatever, and push them to all 4,000 devices, in a few hours.  Doing that by 
hand would take a week.  In some cases, I can push them in 30 minutes.

I have the minimum fileset you need to do that lying around somewhere, but 
basically that is it.

When I wrote sgrep, I was asking myself, what would happen if I make a tool 
that had more computing power than a tool that works on regular expressions?  
grep gets its name from: global - 'regular expression' - print.  But regular 
expressions are limited in the computing complexity they can reflect.  I really 
wanted something turing complete.  But I never found a way to do it, that was 
less complex than inventing a new language.  Eventually I decided to have it 
think in terms of stanzas, and the operations you could perform on a stanza.  I 
started thinking about structure.  When you understand structure, you can look 
at things with more finesse.  Thanks to Dale, sgrep understands networks, so 
this means you can look for OSPF stanzas with network statements that contain a 
network range that would include a specific IP address.  If you grep for in a router, you won't find the OSPF stanza with network, but sgrep will.

I am thinking about a template language for sgrep, and once I write it I will 
let Dale know and he can put it on his page.  The thing is, start with grep, 
and ask what has more power than a regular expression?  Adding context is a 
logical next step, REs are context free.  Then ask, does using this structure 
with more capability result in clarity in how I express my will, and is it easy 
to understand, especially for people familiar with normal unix tools.

Anyway, to expand on automating this with make a little.  Dave Plonka made some 
cool makefiles, and we've been tweaking them every since.

Step 1 is always figuring out how to generate command files.  I have a 
mkcmdfile script I use and customize often for anything more complicated than a 
password change, or vlan edit.

Step 2 is always pushing those device.cmd files to the various devices they 
refer to.

Step 3 is always validating your work.

Let us expand on step 2.

When done with step 1, you have a bunch of device.cmd files, but you are no 
closer to getting work done than when you started.  But you need to understand 
the first step before the second step makes sense.  So given a directory full 
of .cmd files, you want to run those commands on the associated devices.

   - The hard way would be to invoke clogin directly (ensuring the file has 
conf t and write mem in it).
     for $device in `ls *.cmd | cut -d. -f1`; do clogin -s $device.cmd; done

   - The slightly less hard way would be to create a makefile with the 
following in it, and by hand add a rule to make all the .log files:

cat > Makefile
clogin = path-to/clogin2 -f path-to/.cloginrc
.SUFFIXES: .cmd .log

DIR = /home/netconfig-user/cms

TMPupgrade: device1.log, device2.log, device3.log, repeat for several thousand 
devices, hire an intern, a typist, whatever.

        @echo BEGIN .cmd.log $@
        base='$*'; \
        $(clogin) $${clogin_timeout:+-t$${clogin_timeout}} -x $< $${base%%_*} > 
$@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
        @echo END .cmd.log $@

Sure, that looks easy to read.  Did my modem disconnect?  It just says, if you 
run "make device.log" it will look for a command file named device.cmd, and 
compile it using the 'clogin' compiler, with the options:

    clogin -t timeout -x device.cmd device > device.log, the or (||) means, if 
the command fails, instead of crashing just rm the .log file and continue with 
the next file. 

Given that, you could invoke make and it would be off and running, but that 
gets awfully tedious for one thousand devices.

    $configbox>  make -j 20 TMPupgrade.

Boom, 20 at a time your system is clogin-ing into devices and pushing commmands.

So the better way is you add an extra rule to make the makefile you want, and 
then use that to invoke clogin:

cat > Makefile
clogin = path-to/clogin2 -f path-to/.cloginrc
.SUFFIXES: .cmd .log

DIR = /home/netconfig-user/cms

        @print "TMPupgrade: " $$($(ls) *.cmd | sed -e 's/\.cmd$$/.log/')" \
        \n\nupgrade: " $$($(ls) *.cmd | sed -e 's/\.cmd$$/.log/')" \
        \n\ninclude ~net/cms/Makefile" > $@

        @echo BEGIN .cmd.log $@
        base='$*'; \
        $(clogin) $${clogin_timeout:+-t$${clogin_timeout}} -x $< $${base%%_*} > 
$@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
        @echo END .cmd.log $@

Given the above makefile, you can make a new makefile with the correct targets.

    $configbox> make upgrade

This will use sed to replace the .cmd with a .log for every device.cmd file, 
and create a new makefile with a rule to make all the .log files.  Again, I 
should have the correct minimum fileset lying around somewhere, if someone 
wants help I can try and make a better explanation and post it.

Once you have the new makefile, just use it.

$configbox> make -f upgrade.make -j 20

The process really is pretty damn simple, but the details are kind of tedious.

Once you get used to it, you can whip out scripts to do complex validation 
rules in no time flat.  On Dale's page you will also find some code I got from 
Cisco to merge catos/IOS configs from a 6500 in hybrid mode to a unified IOS 
only mode, and merge them with a template.  I fixed some small bugs in it, and 
got permission to open source it.  That code parses IOS configs fairly 
elegantly and shoves them into Perl data structures, which you can then use to 
make savvy choices with respect to configuration auditing.  The code is open 
source, have at it.  You can validate the configs on your devices, and best of 
all, you can validate your business logic.  If you name all your primary 
routers something odd, and your backups something even, you can validate the 
ospf metrics on primary are different than the ospf metrics on the secondary, 
because the script understands not only the configuration, but how the device 
fits into the network, and what business logic applies to the configuration.

I hope this makes things clearer, instead of less clear.


Elle Janet Plato
NS Application Developer/Consultant Network Engineer
University of Wisconsin, Madison

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