> On Feb 23, 2014, at 4:39 PM, James Braunegg <james.braun...@micron21.com> 
> wrote:
> Dear All
> I released a bit of a blog article last week about filtering NTP request 
> traffic via packet size which might be of interest !
> So far I known of an unknown tool makes a default request packet of 50 bytes 
> in size
> ntpdos.py makes a default request packet of 60 bytes in size
> ntp_monlist.py makes a default request packet of 234 bytes in size
> monlist from ntpdc makes a default request packet of 234 bytes in size
> In contrast a normal NTP request for a time sync is about 90 bytes in size
> More information and some graphs can be found here  
> http://www.micron21.com/ddos-ntp.php
> Kindest Regards
> James Braunegg

Do these .py's do anything else different to the query packets than "normal" 
ntp clients? (254TTL instead of the more common 63TTL for "normal" clients.)

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