Thanks. The tech said they looked at signal levels when I called and didn't
see anything. I didn't have a baseline at the time (I do now) and assumed
they'd see something there if there was something.

I do have the Netgear. So I'll keep this in mind when I call them again
(assuming it's really not a noise issue) though I'm not sure exactly what
happened here or how I can get them to try the same thing?
On Feb 20, 2014 3:11 PM, "Aaron C. de Bruyn" <> wrote:

> If it's one of their new Netgear-branded modems, see if you can get your
> tech to dig up an SMC.
> We had the same issue.  They swapped out one Netgear modem for another
> Netgear and the problem continued. The phone techs couldn't see the problem
> and kept blaming our equipment.  They finally sent out one of the 'senior'
> engineers I had worked with before on other jobs.  He managed to get a hold
> of one of the SMCs from their warehouse.  No more issues.
> -A
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:08 AM, shawn wilson <> wrote:
>> A while ago I got Comcast's business service. Semi-idle connections
>> are get dropped (I haven't really diagnosed this - I just no that it
>> isn't the client or server but some network in between). However the
>> second and most obvious issue is that intermittently, the service will
>> grind to a halt:
>> --- ping statistics ---
>> 37 packets transmitted, 34 received, 8% packet loss, time 36263ms
>> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 398.821/5989.160/14407.055/3808.068 ms, pipe 15
>> After a modem reboot, it goes normal:
>> --- ping statistics ---
>> 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3003ms
>> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 23.181/23.920/24.298/0.474 ms
>> This seems to happen about once or twice a day. I can't attribute it
>> to any type of traffic or number of connections. All of the rest of
>> the network equipment is the same and the behavior persists when a
>> computer is plugged directly into the modem. I called Comcast and they
>> said they didn't see anything even when I was experiencing ridiculous
>> ping times. I tend to think it's an issue with the 'modem' but I'm not
>> sure what the issue might be or how to reproduce it when asked to if I
>> tell them to look at it.

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