On Thursday, February 06, 2014 03:51:51 PM Anders Löwinger 

> This is a deep hole, and basically does not work with
> IPv6.
> You need a bunch of stuff, proxy ND, proxy DAD, DHCPv6
> inspection, RA guard and more. One VLAN per customer and
> a separate multicast is much simpler.

If you have a reasonably intelligent AN (like some of 
today's Active-E devices), you can create so-called split 
horizons on the same bridge domain (VLAN, really) where 
customers will only communicate via the upstream BNG at 
Layer 3.

At Layer 2, even though they are all sitting on the same 
VLAN, there is no inter-communication between them.

I've also know Huawei OLT's support these split horizons 

> Or do something bold, run L3 at the edge :)

BNG's are too big to distributed that deeply, even in 
distributed BNG designs. This would get costly.

Cheap switches that have decent IP/MPLS support are mostly 
geared toward Metro-E deployments, i.e., business-grade 
services. So they are quite poor with regard to susbcriber 
management features and capabilities.


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