We rolled our own.  A friend is migrating to WHMCS from Ubersmith.


On 1/9/2014 7:24 PM, matt kelly wrote:


Would you mind sharing what you are migrating to?


On Jan 9, 2014 8:23 PM, "Aaron" <aa...@wholesaleinternet.net <mailto:aa...@wholesaleinternet.net>> wrote:

    It depends on the size you plan on growing to.  The software is
    good but their pricing doesn't scale well.

    We've been using it since 04 but are migrating away from it at
    this point.


    On 1/9/2014 7:15 PM, Mark Keymer wrote:

        Hi James,

        Looking at the online billing / payment aspect, Along with
        some of its other feature. IP tracking Service tracking.
        Billing for cloudstack and integration with it along with
        Xenserver.  The integrated ticketing system looks Cool too.
        Overall looking for a tool to manged customers and for
        customers to manage there servers / infrastructure along with
        billing of servers.

        Probably more as well but those are some highlights.


        Mark Keymer
        Vivio Technologies
        On 1/9/2014 1:04 PM, James Marcus wrote:

            I used it, when I was hosting with Voxel and I thought it
            was pretty cool.  I think Ubersmith was developed at Voxel
            and then spun off, is that correct?
            What do you want to do with it?
            On Jan 9, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com
            <mailto:j...@baylink.com>> wrote:

                ----- Original Message -----

                    From: "Mark Keymer" <m...@viviotech.net
                    I know this is a bit off topic. And I am
                    completely open to someone
                    giving me a link to a list that might be better to
                    talk about Ubersmith.
                    However I also know that Many of you might have
                    some feedback about
                    Ubersmith as well. ;)

                I know that E-Solutions, at 400 N Tampa, was running
                Uber before they
                got bought out by Knology (now WOW); I don't know if
                they still are.

                They were pretty happy with it, I gather, though like
                everything it
                has some pinch points.

                -- jra
-- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink
                j...@baylink.com <mailto:j...@baylink.com>
Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100
                Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000
                Land Rover DII
                St Petersburg FL USA               #natog +1 727 647
                1274 <tel:%2B1%20727%20647%201274>

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