On 4 January 2014 08:34, Arnd Vehling <a...@nethead.de> wrote:

> On 04.01.2014 07:49, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
>  Dell, HP, Cisco, etc. were named because the leaked docs mention
>> hardware-specific BIOS/firmware bugging such as ILO piggybacking in a
>> Proliant. I think it's foolhardy believing they wouldn't have similar
>> attacks for just about everything.
> Highly unlickely they have similiar attacks for everything. They for sure
> can make em if they see fit but they dont have backdoors to everything.

To my surprise I am seeing a theme fatalistic acceptance in this thread, it
seems like some who have been kind enough to answer privately or publicly
are of the opinion that either everything is already backdoored by the US
designers and/or by the Chinese manufacturers. I doubt however that any of
these people would hand over their root passwords to the US or Chinese
government willingly.

A number have mentioned that if you are targeted there is little you can
do, and this is something that I agree with to a certain extent. This
doesn't mean you leave the barndoor open.


Daniël W. Crompton <daniel.cromp...@gmail.com>




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