On Thu, 26 Dec 2013 11:16:53 -0800, Seth Mattinen said:
> On 12/26/13, 9:24, Andrew D Kirch wrote:
> >
> > If he can afford a 10G link... he should be buying real gear...  I mean,
> > look, I've got plenty of infrastructure horror stories, but lets not
> > cobble together our own 10gbit solutions, please?  At least get one of
> > the new microtik CCR's with a 10gig sfp+?  They're only a kilobuck... If
> > you can't afford that I suggest you can't afford to be an ISP.
> Unless all the money is going into the 10 gig link.

If you've sunk so much into the 10G link (or anything else, for that matter)
that you don't have a kilobuck to spare, you're probably undercapitalized to be
an ISP.

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