I still have a soft spot for the Portmasters :-). We had rows of PM2's
with US robotics 33.6K sportster modems attached on 8mm tape racks.
Back when a town of 40K people could all connect through 2XT1's and
everyone was happy.
Sam Moats
On 2013-12-13 16:59, Jon Lewis wrote:
On Thu, 12 Dec 2013, Sam Moats wrote:
I'm not sure about the current state of the industry it's been a
while since I was responsible for an access network. In the past we
would keep radius logs for about 4 months, these would include the
username,IP address and yes (to date myself) the caller id of the
customer at the time.
We used to keep several years worth of RADIUS summary data, which
included username, call end time, duration, IP, NAS-IP, ANI, and
except for where the telco wouldn't sell PRI and we had to use CT1,
where those weren't available. How's that for dating? :)
Want to go back a little further?
Rack of Sportsters, "Digicrap"[1] on top, and some Total Control USR
modems on the table/overflow.
[1] That's what I ended up nicknaming Digicom's rackmount modem
chassis as their modems were unreliable (would repeatedly lock up
requiring manual/physical resets and causing major problems for our
hunt group). We eventually got them to buy it back as they were
unable to resolve their problems.
Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route
| therefore you are
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