On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:

> It doesn’t. You can get IPv6 working with off-the-shelf equipment if you
> choose to.
> Randy chose to use that particular hardware and software combination.

I'm curious, do you know of a consumer-grade router which supports
DHCPv6-PD? I have been making plans to put OpenWRT on my home router to get
IPv6 and have found v6 support quite lacking.  Most of the routers seem to
like to focus on various transition technologies like 6to4 tunnels.  I
would love to go to NewEgg and get a home router for $50 (or even $100)
that is ready to go.

What's more surprising is even Cisco and Juniper have been lagging.  The
SRX only got DHCPv6-PD support in the last 6 months or so and I don't think
the ASA has it yet.  However, ISR routers like the 88x and 86x support it.


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