On Mon, 9 Dec 2013 11:19:18 -0500
Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
do you see PD from your modem? or RA's?
still trying to educate the opwnwrt (attitude adjustment on netgear
root@wrt-biwa:~# opkg update
Updated list of available packages in
root@wrt-biwa:~# opkg install luci-proto-ipv6
Unknown package 'luci-proto-ipv6'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-proto-ipv6.
root@wrt-biwa:~# opkg install ipv6-support
Unknown package 'ipv6-support'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ipv6-support.
yea, so my 'saga' started with:
1) "dlink 615 doesn't like dhcp-pd ... and is flat broken for v6"
a) gets v6 addr on WAN from arris-RA
b) gets PD alloction from arris, does RA's to LAN
c) sets default-gw for v6 on the LAN side to something
d) manually resetting default-gw ... gets me zippy... can't ping
either side of the dlink, nor the arris :(
e) dlink's v6 code (for that platform) is just boarked, badly.
2) oh! dd-wrt does this platform too, and v6
a) install dd-wrrt
b) fiddle-fart around with v6 configs
c) oh.. dhcp-pd is one of the things dd-wrt didn't implement :(
d) oh, their 'v6 support' is really only 'v6 tunnel support'
e) boned.
basically ... this is much harder to do than it shoudl be :( and
I can probably do something like plug in my raspberry-pi and make
a 'router' but come on... in 2013 I have to home-brew something to
a protocol developed and engineered in 2000 to work? :(
(this raised itself above my level of 'fixed in a weekend' project,
my comcast v6 lays fallow... NOTE: this is NOT comcast's fault, in
I feel your pain. I am on the Comcast Business trial and have tried
pfsense and now trying monowall. I followed all the different
instructions I could find for pfsense 2.1 and while I could pull the
WAN IP, I never could get a LAN ip nor could I get an ip on any of my
I am now in the process of trying m0n0wall and have gotten IP's on the
WAN, LAN, and on my workstation. Can ping from my workstation to my
m0n0wall LAN and WAN IP's but nothing will route out to the net.
It should really be easier than this.