On 13-12-08 04:59 PM, Larry Sheldon wrote:
On 12/8/2013 8:13 AM, Michael Brown wrote:

I've been getting several of these (empty messages) from different people and on different subjects but always on the NANOG list.

Secret messages?  Or is NSA sucking too hard?

This I can solidly attribute (at least in my case) to the fact that BlackBerry 10 devices only send emails with a text/html part and no text/plain part.

I've seen this cause problems in a few places - notably in services that automatically parse emails for replying to forums/chat/etc. (Discourse & kato.im and now the nanog list which strips text/html). Somewhere I have a nice little python snippet I wrote for extracting text out of the html.

It's convenient when you're *expecting* it (you can use the html div information to separate out the actual reply vs. the signature vs. the quoted text) but when you're expecting to be able to use text/plain, it's just not there.

(arguments over who is being a worse Internetizen - BB for not having text/plain or Mailman/Mimedel for stripping out text/html when there's no text/plain are not included in this :D )


Michael Brown            | The true sysadmin does not adjust his behaviour
Systems Administrator    | to fit the machine.  He adjusts the machine
mich...@supermathie.net  | until it behaves properly.  With a hammer,
                         | if necessary.  - Brian

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