On Dec 2, 2013, at 18:05 , Ricky Beam <jfb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:18:08 -0500, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>> You don't, but it's easy enough for Windows to do discovery and/or 
>> negotiation for firewall holes with multicast and avoid making
> ...
> Actually, your process still makes a very dangerous assumption... you have to 
> assume the address passed via multicast is, in fact, a local address.  Since 
> it is necessarily outside your prefix, you have to either make assumptions 
> about what is "close" to your prefix -- assumes the site is contiguous, or 
> trust any address passed to you.  Hackers will have fun screwing up your 
> firewall rules and potentially breaking into your servers. (if you're foolish 
> enough to not have any other layers in your network, which is likely with 
> home networks.)

Not really... First of all, domain or other windows authentication could be 
used to validate the request.

Second, if it's site-scope multicast, unless both your ISP _AND_ your own 
router are doing something wrong, it shouldn't get forwarded into your site 
from outside.

>> ... They can't get away with flat out saying no...
> Says who? TWC has been saying "no" for years. (unless I'm mistaken, "always".)

No, they've said "get a business connection." Close to "no", but not identical.


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