If you're staying Cisco, probably the ASR1000 series, or the ASR9K,
depending on needs.

You probably don't need CSR routers if you're not going to 100Gbps.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Jawaid Desktop <j...@forethought.net> wrote:

> We're a service provider, and we have a network full of Cat6509's. We are
> finding that we are outgrowing them from the standpoint of their ability to
> handle lots of large routing tables. Obviously their switching capability
> is still superb but one of them with 20 peers is starting to groan a bit
> and RAM is going to be an issue soon.
> What do people use these days? Our backbone needs in the next 2-3 years
> are going to be sub-100Gbps.
> Jawaid

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