They give you a free ap for listening to their pitch.. We love them. 
Expensive.. But responsive and responsible.. Which is pretty hard to find in 
Wi-Fi land. Pretty interface and lots of little bells and whistles.. They have 
my vote from what we evaluated (ubnt, Blahblahblah).

Sent from my Mobile Device.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Pedersen, Sean" <>
Date: 11/19/2013 12:00 PM (GMT-09:00)
To: NANOG <>
Subject: RE: Meraki

I started to look into them for personal and limited small business use, but 
stopped short when I realized their cloud management platform is 
subscription-based. Unless I've missed something, you cannot deploy your own 
internal management platform. It's all licensed through Meraki/Cisco, which 
means if you lose your Internet connection, you lose management access to your 
gear. That could be a deal-killer in certain environments. Maybe someone with 
more experience on the platform could correct me there.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Disuko []
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: Meraki

Hi folks,

I've traditionally been a Cisco Catalyst shop for my switching gear.

I am doing a significant hardware refresh in one of my offices, which will 
entail replacing about 20 access switches and a couple core devices.  Pretty 
simple L3 VLAN environment with VRRP/HSRP, on the physical end I have 1G 
fibre/copper and 10G fibre.  My core switch of choice will likely be the Cat 
4500 series.

I'm considering Cisco's Meraki platform for my access layer and I'm looking for 
deployment stories of folks that have deployed Meraki in the 
past...good/bad/ugly kinda stuff.

I know Meraki hardcores were upset when Cisco acquired them, but not exactly 
sure why.

Anyway, any thoughts would be useful.  Thanks!


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