MSOs logging subscriber flows, what could possibly go wrong?

Drive slow, like a Sandvine under load,
Paul Wall

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Tom Taylor <>wrote:

> On 18/11/2013 3:06 PM, Justin M. Streiner wrote:
>> It's looking more and more like NAT64 will be in our future.  One of the
>> valid concerns for NAT64 - much like NAT44 - is being able to determine
>> the identity of a given user through the NAT at a given point in time.
>> How feasible this is depends on how robust/scalable $XYZ's translation
>> logging capabilities are, and possibly how easily that data can be
>> matched against a source of identify information, such as RADIUS
>> accounting logs, DHCP lease logs, etc.
>> Other IPv6 transition mechanisms appear to be no less thorny than NAT64
>> for a variety of reasons.
>> I'm curious to see how others are planning to tackle (or already have
>> tacked) this issue.  Discussing vendor-specific solutions is fine, but I
>> think keeping things as platform/vendor agnostic as possible for the
>> time being would allow this thread to be more beneficial to a wider
>> audience.
>> The floor is open...
>> jms
> For logging, the following IETF Behave WG drafts are nearly complete. The
> IPFIX version will be updated soon (I hope) to more closely match the
> SYSLOG based one. They both will match the new NAT MIB document, also
> listed below:
> There is also work being done on reducing log volumes by bulk allocation
> of ports. The following drafts will be combined to meet a Sunset WG
> milestone:
> Tom Taylor

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