This has been going on nationwide between Cogent and other peering partners 
since early 2013 (and in some cases before), but especially between Cogent and 
Verizon. It's not a technical problem, but a political one. 

We resolved our issue by working with our upsteam providers to reconfigure our 
routing and advertisements to avoid cogent, otherwise, I don't think there is 
any solution coming within a reasonable timeframe

Matthew Huff             | 1 Manhattanville Rd
Director of Operations   | Purchase, NY 10577
OTA Management LLC       | Phone: 914-460-4039

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Glover []
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 12:30 PM
> To: NANOG Mailing List
> Subject: Cogent packet loss to Verizon in San Jose
> Anyone from Cogent around?  Normal support channels aren't getting me
> anywhere.
> We have been seeing consistent packet loss to Verizon over Cogent in San
> Jose for several days:
> HOST:                           Loss%   Snt
> Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
>   1.                               0.0%    10    0.4
> 0.3   0.2   0.4   0.0
>   2.            0.0%    10    2.2
> 2.3   2.1   2.4   0.1
>   3.        0.0%    10    2.6
> 2.6   2.4   2.8   0.1
>   4.           0.0%    10    3.9
> 3.9   3.7   4.2   0.1
>   5.           0.0%    10    4.7
> 4.4   4.3   4.7   0.1
>   6.               40.0%    10   80.0
> 80.8  79.9  81.8   0.7
>   7.      30.0%    10   82.2
> 87.9  81.1 114.6  11.3
>   8.        30.0%    10   83.2
> 83.8  82.1  85.9   1.3
>   9. 20.0%    10  108.1
> 107.2 105.7 108.7   1.1
> We have had to route some customer's traffic out through our alternate
> provider (AS20115), as their VPN's were borked by the packet loss.
> Thanks,
> -Bobby

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