Hello, We (iWeb AS32613) are currently making great strides in getting out from under the volume of reports received and getting on top of things.
How much trouble does your abuse department go to in order to obfuscate headers when providing evidence of spamming activity regardless of if it’s intentional/professional spammer activity or some kind of malware infection allowing a third party to spam. Especially for the pro spammers, we don’t want them list washing anything or worse yet becoming privy to spamtrap data if the reporting party wasn’t smart enough to obfuscate their own data before sending in the report. So basically in order to be able to provide some evidence to clients they can use in the case of an infection of some type but not give away too much information to professional spammers we need to find a balance. I’m not sure if it’s worthwhile going to too much trouble on this since basically regardless of the data they get sent they are going to be nuked if they are actual spammers anyway. -- Landon Stewart <landonstew...@gmail.com>