I would also mention that Ubiquity (vendor of a lot of wireless gear) has an 
excellent (active and friendly) community forum. There are a number of posts on 
there from people in similar positions. You might give it a shot:


I do not work for Ubiquity nor do I have any material interest in the company. 


Michael Studniberg, P.Eng
Government of Ontario
Office: (416) 212-6176
Mobile: (416) 884-1650

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Radabaugh [mailto:m...@amplex.net] 
Sent: October 20, 2013 9:20 AM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: In Over My Head -- What do I need to setup a tiny ISP?

Much of the 'new' activity in ISP's is in wireless last mile.  WISPA is a trade 
organization with several mailing lists where the topics you mention are 
discussed on a regular basis and new ISP questions are not unusual 
(http://www.wispa.org/mailing-lists).  The archives of the general mailing list 
are a good place to start.

You do not have to join WISPA to subscribe to the mailing list or to see the 


On 10/19/13 3:57 PM, Notify Me wrote:
> Hi,
> Please allow me to apologize profusely if my post is offensive, or in error.
> I have been lurking on this list watching and learning from all the 
> great posts here and am in awe of everyone here. I can only hope one 
> day to be as knowledgeable as anyone on this list.
> That being said, some people who have a lot more faith in my abilities 
> than I do seem to think I am the go-to guy for network information. 
> And they foolishly asked me for assistance in putting together a small 
> ISP network which is supposed to cater for home users inside of a 
> residential area, very likely wireless (wifi/WIMAX).
> I have no idea what the nuts and bolts of this kind of setup are. All 
> I have in my toolbox are some hastily learnt CCNA lingo, a good 
> knowledge of networks, system and network admin experience, and a deep 
> love of open source software.
> I'm hoping the great gurus on this site can advise me on what needs to 
> be put together ( infrastructure, AAA, billing, etc) for this to run?
> I confess I am really interested in helping my questioners put this 
> together, not just for whatever material gain (which is unlikely at 
> this point), but just for the experience which is very valuable to me. 
> I also have to state that I live in Nigeria, so whatever advice you 
> offer has to be fourth-world applicable.
> I humbly await your kind responses, and I apologize once again if I am 
> in error.
> Thanks for listening!

Mark Radabaugh

m...@amplex.net  419.837.5015

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