On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 2:13 PM, William Waites <wwai...@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:41:46 -0700, joel jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> said:
>     > evil is not a synonym for ugly patch placed over a problem that
>     > could be handled better.
> Ok, fair enough. My first experience with PBR was as a summer intern in
> the mid-1990s who inherited management of a large ATM network that had
> a big VPN-esque thing built entirely that way and with no
> documentation. It certainly felt evil at the time. ;)

I think really PBR violates this:

I see ISP folks MOSTLY avoid PBR, because it does weird things that
NOC/ops folks just plain don't expect. I see Enterprise network folks
fall back to PBR often, for reasons that they seem happy with... but
man it makes things confusing :)


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