To follow up, all of this fiber is mm and all light is sx to sfp.  Currently 
all 1gbit, but it will be repulled as 10gbit capable soon... I guess I'm going 
to have to be a little less cheap and shoot for something under $1000.  I had 
an off list suggestion of the below listed fluke.  Any other suggestions or 


-----Original Message-----
From: Darius Jahandarie [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 9:09 PM
To: Blake Pfankuch - Mailing List
Subject: Re: Suggestion on Fiber tester

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Blake Pfankuch - Mailing List 
<> wrote:
> I am in the market for a simple fiber tester.  I have about 80 pairs running 
> through my complex and we are running into some possible issues with some of 
> the really old ones.  The pen light to confirm that it's the right strand is 
> going to require a little bit more insight to determine if there is an issue 
> with fiber in conduit or patch.
> I don't need something super fancy, just need something that gives a good, 
> bad or "holy crap is that concrete you are testing on" for starters.  I am 
> also shooting for about $150-250 tops.
> Any suggestions?

The keyword is Optical Power Meter. There are some all-in-one meters and some 
simpler meters, it depends on exactly what sort of fiber you're testing and so 

The more advanced tool is an Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer, which can tell 
you where the splices, breaks, and their locations are, but they are 
considerably more expensive and that's not what you're looking for from the 
sound of it.

Darius Jahandarie

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