On 9/25/13 5:25 PM, Tammy Firefly wrote:
> On 9/25/13 18:18:04, Glen Kent wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The report from renesys states that
>> "We initially stated that Sudan’s outage began at 12:47 UTC because that
>> was when virtually all Sudanese routed networks were withdrawn from the
>> global routing table"
>> http://www.renesys.com/2013/09/internet-blackout-sudan/
>> If its a deliberate action to remove Sudan from the Internet then what
>> exactly would the ISPs in Sudan have done? Drop their peering sessions with
>> the three International gateways? How were the "Sudanese routed networks
>> withdrawn"?
>> Glen
> with the old fashioned pair of diagonal cutters applied to fiber?

when you have the guns you normally just make a phone call...

There's no reason to destroy your infrastructure just to deny the usage
of it.


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