If you do not/cannot have an Akamai cache, connect to an IX that does,
and make sure you've got the capacity. My own rule of thumb is have 2x
the capacity of your average *peak* traffic on an IX. When big events
happen, whether it is news, sporting or a major software update, that
extra capacity will be sorely needed.
At TorIX, most peers traffic jumped by the same percentage that others
have bandied about on this thread. One peer jumped almost 100%, but
they had the right port speed and thus no issues (at least on the Exchange).
Compared to transit in Canada, IX peering is dirt cheap, and pays dividends.
-- Stephen
On 19/09/2013 3:07 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:
The attitude in this email I have encountered elsewhere. Apple pays for
bandwidth, customers pay for access. Not sure why their release strategy is so
highly critiqued. Microsoft and others have their own strategies for
incremental downloads, caching, etc.. Apple has theirs.
Seems like most consumers want the update and are actively fetching it vs
having older software live forever and not be updated. Overall I see this as a
Jared Mauch
On Sep 19, 2013, at 2:11 PM, Warren Bailey
<wbai...@satelliteintelligencegroup.com> wrote:
I don't see how operators could tolerate this, honestly. I can't think of a
single provider who does not oversubscribe their access platform... Which leads
me to this question :
Why does apple feel it is okay to send every mobile device an update on a
single day?