On 9/18/2013 7:30 PM, Andrew D Kirch wrote:
> On 9/18/2013 7:15 PM, Tammy Firefly wrote:
>> On 9/18/13 5:07 PM, Andrew D Kirch wrote:
>>> On 9/18/2013 6:55 PM, Tammy Firefly wrote:
>>>>> I used to run the AHBL and ARIN used to contact us when they
>>>>> recycled IP
>>>>> space.  We always removed when contacted by ARIN.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>> ARIN hasnt contacted us for this since i've been involved with the ahbl
>>>> for ~5 years.
>>>> just a FYI.
>>> Well, it'd seem we found the problem then.
>>> Andrew
>> Ive know ARIN is a problem for a lotta years andrew :P  When we
>> contacted them and asked them to do it again we got told its against
>> policies blablablabla.
> (replying to list with Tammy's permission)
> This is pathetic.  ARIN is supposed to be working as a steward of this
> IP space.  When you have policies that make it more difficult to use the
> IP space this isn't even remotely close to stewardship. It's pathetic,
> with the policy making a quick turn around of releasing old IP space
> when you get an allocation, that ARIN is leaving innocent third parties
> who have paid ARIN large sums of money for this space.
> ARIN, frankly you can suck it.  It's time to grow up and behave how you
> were intended to.
> Andrew

If only there was a way for anyone to get a daily report of number
resource allocations...


First link.


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