Do you guys not have a local akamai node?? Seems like maybe @gilmore could help you out, that's a pretty intense surge for software updates. Our stuff gets hit, but nothing like this (our networks usually don't exceed 40mbps over satellite).
The MSO I used to work at had a fairly large akamai cache in Anchorage, AK. May be worth looking into if you guys haven't already. On 9/18/13 11:32 AM, "Phil Bedard" <> wrote: >Large US MSO. > >Our overall traffic is up about 20% compared to this time yesterday, which >equates to ~120Gbps. Mostly Akamai. > >-Phil > > > > > > >On 9/18/13 1:38 PM, "Zachary McGibbon" <> >wrote: > >>So iOS 7 just came out, here's the spike in our graphs going to our ISP >>here at McGill, anyone else noticing a big spike? >> >>[image: internet-sw1 - Traffic - Te0/7 - To Internet1-srp (IR Canet) - >>TenGigabitEthernet0/7] >> >>Zachary McGibbon > > >