On Sep 18, 2013, at 9:07 AM, NANOG <na...@abcsupply.com> wrote:
> We recently purchased new IP addresses from ARIN

No, actually, you didn't.  You were assigned the use of the addresses, based on 
need.  Just as a radio station does not "purchase" spectrum.


> Our mail server IP address is  Is it possible they are blocking 
> us based on old information from the previous IP address block owner?

Quite likely, yes.

John LeCoque's suggestions seemed quite sound:

> I would say the first step is to find an immediate workaround for your end
> users - maybe bring up a VM on AWS or some other cloud provider to use as
> an SMTP relay while you work out the blacklist issue. If you run into
> blacklist issues after that, you may want to take a very close look at your
> outbound mailflow to make sure your organization isn't sending out messages
> that could be categorized as spam.


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