On 09/08/2013 02:25 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
----- Forwarded message from Gregory Perry <gregory.pe...@govirtual.tv> -----

Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 21:14:47 +0000
From: Gregory Perry <gregory.pe...@govirtual.tv>
To: Phillip Hallam-Baker <hal...@gmail.com>
Cc: "cryptogra...@metzdowd.com" <cryptogra...@metzdowd.com>, ianG 
Subject: Re: [Cryptography] Opening Discussion: Speculation on "BULLRUN"

On 09/07/2013 05:03 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Good theory only the CA industry tried very hard to deploy and was prevented 
from doing so because Randy Bush abused his position as DNSEXT chair to prevent 
modification of the spec to meet the deployment requirements in .com.

DNSSEC would have deployed in 2003 with the DNS ATLAS upgrade had the IETF 
followed the clear consensus of the DNSEXT working group and approved the 
OPT-IN proposal. The code was written and ready to deploy.

I told the IESG and the IAB that the VeriSign position was no bluff and that if 
OPT-IN did not get approved there would be no deployment in .com. A business is 
not going to spend $100million on deployment of a feature that has no proven 
market demand when the same job can be done for $5 million with only minor 

I was also there in 2003, and for a long time before that, and was also one of the voices that was saying that we needed opt-in, and protection from zone walking, or else the thing wouldn't fly. I don't recall that any 1 person was the reason those things didn't happen sooner than they did; in fact I recall near-universal sentiment that zone walking was a non-issue, and that opt-in defeated the very nature of what DNSSEC was trying to accomplish.

Fast forward to my time at IANA in 2004 and after considerable behind the scenes organization a coalition of TLD registries came forward and said that they would not deploy DNSSEC without those 2 features, and were willing to dedicate the resources to create them. So it was not 1 person who stopped DNSSEC deployment, and it wasn't 1 person who made it happen.

Your larger point about fiefdoms and oligarchies in the IETF is, however, tragically accurate. The blindness of the DNSSEC literati to the real-world needs was a huge part of what caused the delay in deployment on the authoritative side, and the malaise caused by the decade+ of fighting to get it out the door is a big contributor to what's preventing any real solution to the last mile problem (which is what it takes to make DNSSEC really useful).


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