A Canadian ISP colleague of mine suggested that the NANOG constituency might be interested in this, given some recent 'revelations', so I forward it here for you perusal.

"Preliminary analysis of more than 25,000 traceroutes reveals a
phenomenon we call ‘boomerang routing’ whereby Canadian-to-Canadian
internet transmissions are routinely routed through the United States.
Canadian originated transmissions that travel to a Canadian destination
via a U.S. switching centre or carrier are subject to U.S. law -
including the USA Patriot Act and FISAA. As a result, these
transmissions expose Canadians to potential U.S. surveillance activities
– a violation of Canadian network sovereignty."



- ferg

Paul Ferguson
Vice President, Threat Intelligence
Internet Identity, Tacoma, Washington  USA
IID --> "Connect and Collaborate" --> www.internetidentity.com

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