On Sep 4, 2013, at 12:12 AM, ML <m...@kenweb.org> wrote:

> On 9/3/2013 11:57 PM, Scott Howard wrote:
>> Overall this is nothing new - Hotmail has been doing the same thing for
>> years.
>>  Scott
> When I used to use Hotmail - Your account was dropped after 30-60 days
> of non-use.
> Whereas Yahoo kept accounts active forever until recently.
> Granted it's been  >15 years since I've used a Hotmail account
> regularly.  Microsoft *may* change their policies more often than that.

Back when I ran nether.net as full scale public access, I would reap unused 
accounts after some period of time..l don't recall anymore as that was almost 
15+ years ago now. But one month seemed like the right number. I had almost 
100k accounts at most points... Was fairly crazy.

A least the Internet archive captured some of the cool stuff the users did back 

- Jared 

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