One could say that the size of the internet is, up to isomorphism, 2; very 
precise but as useful as you predict. 


On Aug 15, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Tony Tauber <> wrote:

> All this goes to the point that the original question was poorly worded and
> I daresay ill-conceived.
> There's no "one number" or "one metric", much less "one definition".
> It all depends on what the real question is that you're trying to answer
> and why.
> There is plenty of room for study; though it's necessary to start with some
> circumscribed question.
> Of course the answers you may get won't likely then be readily applicable
> to answering some other question that may come in the future.
> Tony
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Scott Howard <> wrote:
>> You'd almost think this was a technology mailing list given some of the
>> answers...  (ohh.. wait!)
>> How about this - the size of the Internet is just short of 3 billion.
>> That's the number of people that have access to it.  To me, that's a far
>> more telling number than anything around IP address or Exabytes of data.
>>  Scott

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