To be honest, that is the problem with most smaller ISPs, their uplinks are not 
all 10G...   The only way to have users who reliably get high speed tests is to 
make sure one does not have 1G upstream links but obviously for a smaller 
provider that would not be an option.

I think this is why our retail service routinely is in the top few on the 
public speed test sites in the US...   The (obvious) secret is having more than 
1G of headroom on every link to the world and using a lot of 10G internally.   
From my testing on my home link to our network and a bunch of customer links, 
public speed tests of above 800 mbit/sec on gigE are pretty achievable assuming 
the testing server is in the same metro and well provisioned (IE not on a tiny 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Kell [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:50 PM
To: Jima
Subject: Re: One of our own in the Guardian.

On 7/14/2013 9:08 PM, Jima wrote:
>  XMission does offer 1000/1000, as well; I seem to recall the price is 
> something like $300/mo.  For us, the problem was more finding remote 
> sites that can push data rates anywhere near one's own limit (as it's 
> enough of a problem at 100mbit), making the price bump not quite worth it.

Very true.  We have two gigs, but a commercial speedtest comes up seriously 
short (typically 100+ Mbps) while a locally hosted speedtest will show 
800-900+.  Not sure how much is "their" upstream versus simple physics... you'd 
have to be the only test subject to a gig-connected server to do much better.

We have had some "contrived" examples over I2 that pushed 500Mbps symmetric, 
but they ran that demo over our I2 pipe because their commodity link couldn't 
deliver the necessary rate/latency.


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