
In my experience with heating issues the only thing that really degrades
quickly in event of overheating are hard drives. If you had them spun down
it should be fine.

CPU / Memory / Motherboards will be fine.

The only other thing I can think of having possible issues are PSU's but if
they were powered off should be fine as well. Maybe melted wires but I dont
think it was hot enough for that.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Erik Levinson <erik.levin...@uberflip.com>wrote:

> As some may know, yesterday 151 Front St suffered a cooling failure after
> Enwave's facilities were flooded.
> One of the suites that we're in recovered quickly but the other took much
> longer and some of our gear shutdown automatically due to overheating. We
> shut down remotely many redundant and non-essential systems in the hotter
> suite, and transferred remotely some others to the cooler suite, to ensure
> that we had a minimum of all core systems running in the hotter suite. We
> waited until the temperatures returned to normal, and brought everything
> back online. The entire event lasted from approx 18:45 until 01:15.
> Apparently ambient temperature was above 43 degrees Celcius at one point on
> the cool side of cabinets in the hotter suite.
> For those who have gone through such events in the past, what can one
> expect in terms of long-term impact...should we expect some premature
> component failures? Does anyone have any stats to share?
> Thanks
> --
> Erik Levinson
> CTO, Uberflip
> 416-900-3830
> 1183 King Street West, Suite 100
> Toronto ON  M6K 3C5
> www.uberflip.com

Bryan Tong
Nullivex LLC | eSited LLC
(507) 298-1624

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