The problem being a CLEC is getting access to repeater housings.

Usually limits you to a few kft. At least you can get up to 15mbps/pair now.
On Jun 28, 2013 6:23 PM, "Eric Wieling" <> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike []
> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Service provider T1/PPP question
> On 06/28/2013 12:56 PM, Naslund, Steve wrote:
> >
> > I think this post seems like a flashback.  I would not consider a T-1 to
> really be broadband anymore and it is pretty much limited to a business
> environment the way tariffs work.  As far as MLPPP, it seems to be pretty
> stable now where you need multiple bonded T-1s.  We have a few sites
> running MLPPP with Sprint on Juniper and Cisco gear and have not had an
> issue with it.  It is definitely not my preference for business
> connectivity anymore.  We tend to look for Ethernet service which is way
> cheaper per mb than T-1 and requires less expensive terminal equipment in
> most cases.  T-1s are the business solution where you need dedicated MPLS
> connectivity and fiber transport is not available.  DSL or Internet VPN are
> OK but somewhat less stable for business class private network solutions.
>  If it is internet connectivity they want you will get beaten up by the
> cable companies that can outrun and outprice you across the board.  You
> will also have a heck of a time competing with incumbent and competitive
> telecoms in T-1s that have central offices or collocations in central
> offices.  The economics just don't work if you don't have direct access to
> the cable plant.  Maybe up until the telecom act but not now.  How do you
> intend to get those T-1s back to you or are you a CLEC?
> >
> >
> I am a clec with colocated facilities, and my targets are rural unserved
> areas where none of the factors above are considerations. I just want to
> connect with anyone who's done this and has a qualified technical opinion
> on optimal deployment strategies; the business considerations are already
> done.
> ========================================================================================
> Most "T-1" service these days seems to be delivered over HDSL.   You may
> also want to consider EoC.     XO uses Adtran CPEs for their EoC service,
> anything from 1.5Mbps to 20Mbps service over 1 or more copper pairs with
> good distances between repeaters.

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