On 6/20/13, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> It's relatively small when you consider there's something like 140M .com's

Yeah... I'm in agreement about that's probably what is going on...
It's relatively small, but absolutely large,  and absolute numbers
matter. 5 domains is small, 50k  is not,  even if  Netsol has a 100
billion domains.

If I had 50,000 fingers;  I might think differently.   But the
definition of a large number doesn't change to people,  just because
you also have a massive number of that thing.

The phrase "a small number"   means an absolutely small number, so it
seems like a really really misleading if not possibly dishonest PR
spin;  they could have said "a small proportion" or  "a relatively
small number", in that case.


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