On 6/14/13, Scott Helms <khe...@zcorum.com> wrote:
> Is it possible?  Yes, but it's not feasible because the data rate would be
> too low.  That's what I'm trying to get across.  There are lots things that
> can be done but many of those are not useful.

I agree that the data rate will be low. I don't agree that it's not feasible.

There will be indeed be _plenty_ of ways that a low bit rate channel
can do everything the right adversary needs.

A few bits for second is plenty of data rate for  sending control
commands/rule changes to a router backdoor mechanism, stealing
passwords, or leaking cryptographic keys   required to decrypt the VPN
data stream intercepted from elsewhere on the network,   leaking
counters, snmp communities, or interface descriptions,   or
criteria-selected forwarded data samples, etc....


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