On 2013-06-08 15:29, Chris Conn wrote:
It's affecting anyone running dual stack, as the server responds, hangs, times out and then it tries again on v6. At least in the latest FF and Safari browsers, I've not tried chrome. I've cc'd this over to Nanog, as I've not seen anything about it there, and I'm sure others are seeing it. www.v6.facebook.com works fine as a workaround for the time being. --

Indeed, I have seen this behaviour for at least a week. It seems to somehow be related to geo-located DNS (akamai?) since the timeouts and RSTs I see in the traffic are from IPv6 akamai servers, not facebook itself.

I tried de-peering from a number of networks to try and isolate it and it was not transit-specific. I stopped questioning my network when I saw a thread on Sixxs and tunnelbroker about this very issue.

Hopefully it won't persist as right now as having Facebook intermittently connect is likely hurting deployment slightly.


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