Hello everyone, DNS Track will be on June 5, 2013 Wednesday 4:45pm-6:15pm in Crescent City Ball Room.
I still have some slots available if you would like to talk about an interesting DNS related subject. , We've got a very good coverage with rate-limiting, reflection attacks, dns software updates, and some other interesting topics already. (i will be sending an agenda before the track ) look forward to see you all there. please contact me directly if you have any questions mehmet On Apr 18, 2013, at 12:15 PM, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote: > Greetings folks > > Once again we will have DNS Track in NANOG. > > There has been lots of recent DNS related discussions going on in many e-mail > lists and I am quite sure there will be many great DNS talks in NANOG 58 just > like in previous NANOGs. > > DNS Track's goal is to bring together the audience who doesn't necessarily > want to know all the details of a topic but would like to spend 90 mins > listening quick updates from various DNS related subjects and get some > crucial information and updates. > > If you are interested in talking/presenting in the DNS Track and/or want to > help me organize this Track in any way, please contact me off-list. Hopefully > we can inform those who do NOT spend much time dealing with DNS about some > topics they were not aware. > > Once I know the details of the agenda such as time and date of the track, > topics that will be covered, i will share this with you. > > Mehmet > >