Is anyone using an open source solution to process netflow v9 captures?
I'm waiting for SiLK v3 for some time now, which is currently only available 
for TLA's and Universities.

Currently looking into nfdump.

On May 17, 2013, at 12:16 AM, Scott Weeks wrote:

>> Does anyone know of a netflow collector that will do the following. 
> <snip>
> --------------------------------------------
> -------------Original Message-------------
>> From: Laura Smith []
> <UCE snipped out>
> ------------------------------------------
> -------------"Meshier, Brent" wrote: ------------
>> Do not appreciate the cold call from Plixer.  Please do not use the 
>> NANOG mailing list as your personal directory for sales leads.  It's a 
>> sure fire way to get your company blacklisted among IT professionals.
> -------------------------------------------------
> -------- wrote: ----------
> From: Thomas Cannon <>
> That wasn't in your signature's disclaimer. Perhaps now would be a good 
> time to add it?
> ------------------------------------------------
> You haven't been here long have you...  
> He DOES NOT need a 260 word signature (see below!) to make sure he does 
> not get UCE from posting to NANOG.  For any other sales folks out there
> considering doing this, Brent's warning is a good one: "It's a sure fire 
> way to get your company blacklisted among IT professionals."
> scott
> ps.  WTF is this?!?
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